The Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia is an independent body that regulates and supervises the electronic communications market, performs tasks related to radio and television, and regulates and supervises postal services and railway traffic in Slovenia.
The organization of the Agency is detailed in its Articles of Association.
The Agency’s mission is to ensure effective development of communications networks and services that benefit the residents and businesses of the Republic of Slovenia, to encourage competition, ensure equitable operation of the operators of electronic communications network and services, postal service providers, and transport services providers in the railway system, to ensure universal service provision, to manage the radio spectrum and numbering space, to regulate the content of radio and television programming and on demand audiovisual media services, supervise digital service providers and carry out other tasks of the national digital services coordinator and to protect user rights.
In the execution of its mission the Agency follows the legislation and implementation acts, while also collaborating in the development of new approaches, care for transferring best practices and notifies the relevant ministries if it detects any needs for adjusting the current regulations and systems under its authority.
The Agency's goals
The Agency follows these strategic goals:
- providing the conditions for high-quality services at an appropriate price
- ensuring the access to universal services to all residents of Slovenia at affordable prices and regardless of their geographic location
- protecting the interests of the users services, including privacy protection and confidentiality of electronic communications
- ensuring and growing effective competition on the market
- encouraging the development and introduction of new services and technologies for a higher quality of living, and the development of the economy by ensuring suitable conditions for new investments
- providing a safe and trustworthy online environment
- ensuring efficient utilization of the radio frequency spectrum and numbering space
- encouraging the development and growth of television programming and enabling dissemination of programming content and multimedia services over different platforms, so that they are available to the broadest public on any device capable of receiving them
- professional supervision of programming requirements and limitations of radio and television programming and the obligations of other providers of audiovisual content in the scope of protecting public interest regarding programming content and ensuring equal conditions for the operation of publishers of radio and television programming and providers of other audiovisual content
- ensuring the operation of electronic communications and the use of the radio frequency spectrum for providing the services during emergency situations and protecting the state's national interests
- ensuring fair and equal access to public railway infrastructure and related services
- ensuring the public nature of its work, and
- increasing visibility and reputation of the Agency and public trust.
More about the Agency is available in the brochure, dedicated to Agency's milestones; and
in the brochure, dedicated to 20 years of Agency's establishment.