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Monitoring infrastructure investments

The main purpose of monitoring infrastructure investments is to provide investors in electronic communications networks an easier path towards the realization of their investment projects – broadband connections. Citizens benefit form better internet access, and the results of a number of unrelated studies (European Investment Bank, World Bank, Ericsson) have shown that this directly affects the increase of the country’s GDP.

The Agency's long-term vision is to contribute towards the continued infrastructure development of electronic communication networks in Slovenia and encouraging healthy competition between operators in this area. This can also be achieved by providing appropriate information support to the operator's market operation, while ensuring through legal instruments rules of fair play among providers in the investment phase.

Global and European trends in the area of infrastructure development are exceptionally vibrant. This is also a focus of European policy-makers, as the Digital Agenda for Europe, prepared by the European Commission, is increasingly focusing on the Gigabit Society. Its purpose is to provide citizens with new, innovative services and products, from connected vehicles to e-administration and e-health and the Internet of Things, with benefits for all European citizens. All of this requires cutting-edge connectivity. The Gigabit Society is based on network speeds significantly above 100 Mbps for all European consumers and 1 Gbps for all public institutions, major traffic hubs and digitally intensive companies.

As the national regulator of the electronic communications market, the Agency is aware of the above, and is striving to improve conditions for implementing ultra-high-speed digital connections to practically every household in Slovenia (in accordance with it authority according to ZEKom-1) with the following activities:

  • establishing and managing the portal for publishing intents to construct public utility infrastructure. The portal is available at:,
  • holding workshops and consultations for raising awareness on obligations related to joint construction and shared use of public utility infrastructure,
  • systemic supervision of operators regarding their fulfilment of obligations related to shared construction and shared use of public utility infrastructure,
  • preparing a technical analysis and the general act on shared construction and shared infrastructure use,
  • raising awareness among the owners of public utility infrastructure on the importance and the need for entering their communication infrastructure into the public utility infrastructure registry,
  • systemic supervision of entering communication infrastructure into the public infrastructure registry,
  • supervision of the openness of broadband networks and fulfilment of obligations of network construction when there is market interest and
  • verifying easements contracts on shared use of constructed infrastructure.
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