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Here you will find the Agency's Articles of Association and all the relevant national and European regulation that falls under the authority of the Agency.

The legislation consists of the laws and implementing acts. Because Slovenia is part of European legal order, sectoral acts are based on European Union directives that have been transposed into the Slovenian legal order.

The Agency fulfills its regulatory tasks based on the acts and implementing acts in, while with regard to electronic communications and radio frequency spectrum management it must also adhere to certain recommendations and guidelines from the European Commission and international legal acts in force in the Republic of Slovenia.


Legal resources by publisher

  • Laws are in the hierarchy of regulations below the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia and above implementing acts, and are adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia.
  • Implementing acts are adopted base don laws by the Government (regulation), the Agency (general acts, recommendations) and the Ministries (rules).
  • Directives are the secondary legal resource of the EU and are not directly implementable; they are adopted by the European Parliament and the Council, and their main goal is to align the legislations of all member states. A directive binds member states with regard to the results that need to be achieved, but permits them to choose the format and means for implementing these goals of the Union in the scope of their internal legal order.
  • Recommendations and guidelines are adopted by the European Commission and are not binding, unless the law specifies it.
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